Me and Laura ended up using plaster with a support structure underneath. We chose plaster because after using wax, home made paper, clay and plaster we decided that the plaster had more of a raw quality to it. And could be manipulated wet or dry it gave us freedom to achieve what we wanted but still give us that rawness like they had been pulled out of our heads.
Paint them?
Everyone who saw our pieces asked are you going to paint them? That started us thinking shall we paint them. The main reason we was thinking about it was that plaster tarnishes so they wont be perfectly white anymore. But we decided that will change them painting them, they won't be plaster anymore with that rawness they will be painted plaster.
We decided to make carriers to help carry our pieces and enable 4 to carry them to distribute the weight. We had to use 18mm MDF for the carriers any thinner and it would snap. But this pushed the cost up but it had to be one me and Laura split everything in half.
The cost of the project has been expensive. The 5 sculptures has cost me and Laura £42 for materials. Then it cost £22 for the MDF so all in all £64 plus lights etc on top. Luckily we split it otherwise I couldn't have afforded it by my self.
How many sculptures to make?
We originally wanted to make 8 sculptures. But due to cost and the amount of space in the exhibition we were unable to make 8. We thought 3 wasn't enough but 6 was too many so we agreed on 5. Looking at the 5 we made we really didn't like one of them and decided it wasn't going to be in the show so now we are having 4 which after going to lighting studio we really like.
We knew we didn't want normal electric lighting. So we brought touch lights and spot lights. We didn't like the touch lights they had a blue tinge to them which we didn't like. So we went with the spot lights with a clear bulb. One in front of each sculpture was too much but one in the middle was perfect.
We wanted our pieces to have a real impact when you enter the room. We wanted them to be quite big. Which we managed to achieve. They are mainly waist height which will make the viewer quite uncomfortable.
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