This is the finished poster off Jonny he's added the logo's from the sponsors and polished it so it looks complete. I can now add this to the website.
For the website i chose i notice board design to fit in with the lost property aspect. I then placed the poster on there for the private view on the website and then after the private view I will change it to the poster for the rest of the days we are open.I then added the logo's from company's that sponsored us. Beth managed to get Studentartcards to Sponsor us to give us 100free posters. Niomi managed to get Cineworld to sponsor us for the raffle and give us some free tickets as a raffle prize. And lastly Art in Unusual Spaces for getting us the space and Leeds City Council as Art in Unusual spaces is funded by them.

I added Emily's blurb to give the viewer an overview of the exhibition. I also added every ones names and made them into hyperlinks to take the viewer to there blog or website. I've had allot of trouble with this as people have not been giving me there URLs even though I put a notice on the board at uni and sent messages on face book and on my blog but still I don't have every ones and there no other way to get in touch with everyone else if they won't answer. So I still don't have them all but it's not with the lack of trying.

On the second page of the website i called it directions and put the address of the Plaza and how to get there from the train station and a map that takes them to google maps to get a closer look of how to get there.
The front page

Second page

I like the website I feel it looks very professional. I decided to cover the cost of the website myself as my contribution to the fundraisers as now they don't have to cover the costs of the website.
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