At the beginning of this project setting up the exhibition a set of agreements were set up as a group. Such as:
Groups such as logistics, marketing, curators and fundraising.
Within these groups a rep was chosen to represent that group and to attend all meetings and to spread the word what happened to everyone in there group what happened at meetings.
All agreed on a meeting to be held each Thursday.
Everyone should have fair input.
List of things we need to do to run an exhibition:
Moving van
Need to move the work
Need floor plans
Fixtures and fittings
Tool kit
Raise money
Collect sponsors
Think of the exhibition name
Layout of the art works
Write blurb and press release
Overall theme
General promotion
Once that written up, starting thinking about names for the show and what logo we could have and themes, how could get posters and what we could do to raise some money. We all went away in our groups for a week to make a start ready for meeting 2.
The meeting went well very lively and exciting.
We then all went down to the space where we will be exhibiting to have a look.
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