This is three of our pieces we need to think about moving. We are thinking a structure type thing made out of MDF. Me and Laura drew up plans for the stretches and took them to the wood workshop Matt helped us and we got them cut out on the laser cutter. We now can tie our work to the stretcher so 4 people can carry them out using the handles.
Lighting in very important with out piece and how we display it. We are not putting them on plinths it changes how they look and what they represent. We want the lighting to be quite dim with spot lights highlighting the bits we want so they look like they are coming out of the dark. We had 2 sessions in the lighting studio to plan how we want the lights.
We felt this was too much light focused on the front of the piece.
We felt this was allot better looks creepy like it's coming out of the dark which is what we wanted.
Same with this one perfect light.
Perfect lighting just what we wanted.
This is what we ended up doing instead of having one light in front of each sculpture we put one in the middle it gives off enough light for what we want. We like that you can see the wire fits with the piece and the space we are in with bare walls and wires. But we will be taping the wire to the floor and putting tape round the edges of the sculptures for the audiences safety.
This was when we had one in front of each sculpture it was too much and we didn't like the colour of the extension lead so we are now using a white one to match the colour of the sculptures.
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