Sunday 9 May 2010

Meeting at the space

We met Yvonne at 3.30pm to talk through the show. One member of the group needs to pick up the keys for the event 15Min's before we are due to open.
We now have an extra room to use as a store room to keep rapping and tools in so we don't have to carry them back down again when we pack up.
Everyone didn't turn up again. But the people who were there we went through with Yvonne what we were planning on putting in the space.

Me and Laura looked where we intend to put our work and there is a sufficient amount of sockets and we are surrounded by people who want a dimmer atmosphere which is good for us.

We looked in each unit and discussed what we could do, the meeting seemed to be drawing to a close so I left to travel back home to vote.

After I left there was some disagreements about whether to use the new room or not. Personally I think we shouldn't it will throw the whole theme off using the slippery, prickly and jittery which we have followed throughout.

Everyone was told to put there name on the floor plans where they would like to go and I think it's too late to add another room.

I feel really bad for leaving to vote now as this really needs resolving.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, that room would be better used for storage.
