Sunday 9 May 2010

Issues Marketing have encountered throughout

Promoting the event.

We had some trouble in getting a flyering licence from Leeds City council. It would cost £75 for one person to distribute the posters and leaflets.
Instead we are having to give the posters to shop keepers to put them in the window, and to ask them to put the leaflets on the counters for people to take them at there leisure. We decided at the meeting that £75 was too expensive for one person to be left with distributing by them selves.


As a group we have had problems with members of marketing turning up to meetings and contributing. We have tried getting in touch but have had no luck.
So to get things done on schedule we had to make the important decisions without them.

Lino cutting.

We wanted to create a lino cut to make a stamp onto the flyer's we collected but the laser cutter had a 2week cue to use it. Unable to do the stamp Amy created a silk screen as she had done it before.

Laser cutting

As the laser cutter was busy for 2weeks we were unable to cut into the flyer's which was another plan we had so they looked like stencils. So because of these problems we screen printed all of them.


While i was making the website Mr Site went down for a couple of days so this was quite a problem as I couldn't keep completely up to date with it. Also it's been difficult collecting people's URLs but I'm getting there but it doesn't look very professional that everyone doesn't have at least one page with there images on it.

I also set up a marketing facebook page so if any information was needed at a certain point while not at college then this was ideal for an initial answer until you can see everyone else.
Problem with this was that some people didn't have it but everything I put on there I put on the board and on my blog and I told them too when I saw them so they could still have there say.

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